Behind Blue Eyes Limp Bizkit

Нужно Muzika ska4at? Отлично, так как это именно то, зачем мы тратили время. Наши программисты и менеджеры потратили много времени и энергии, чтобы предоставить тебе отличный сервис в сети!

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Исполнитель песни: Limp Bizkit

Название произведения: Behind Blue Eyes

Длительность mp3 файла: 04:28

Датировано: 2015-03-25

Текст набрал просмотров: 773

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Другие произведения музыканта Limp Bizkit
Текст данной песни:

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
And no one knows
What it's like to be hated
To be fated to telling only lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do,
And I blame you!
No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

Discover l.i.m.p. say it [x4]
No one knows what it's like
To be mistreated,
To be defeated
Behind blue eyes
No one knows how to say
That they're sorry and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

But my dreams they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man,
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

OST Gothika

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