Your eyes may behold Мелоди Гардо

Нужно мелоди на звонок ? Отлично, так как это именно то, зачем мы тратили время. Наши программисты и менеджеры потратили много времени и энергии, чтобы предоставить тебе отличный сервис в сети!

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Исполнитель песни: Мелоди Гардо

Название произведения: Your eyes may behold

Длительность mp3 файла: 05:00

Датировано: 2015-03-27

Текст набрал просмотров: 332

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Другие произведения музыканта Мелоди Гардо
Текст данной песни:

Your eyes may behold
But the story I'm told
Is your heart is as black as night

Your lips may be sweet
Such that I can't compete
But your heart is as black as night

I don't know why you came along
At such a perfect time
But if I let you hang around
I'm bound to lose my mind

Cause your hands may be strong
But the feelings all wrong
Your heart is as black as night

I don't know why you came along
At such a perfect time
But if I let you hang around
I'm bound to lose my mind

Cause your hands may be strong
But the feeling's all wrong
Your heart is as black
Your heart is as black
Oh your heart is as black as night.

"Behold,i say to you,lift up your eyes,and look on the fields,that they are white for harvest."
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