NGD skiilet

Нужно скачать песни skiilet ? Отлично, так как это именно то, зачем мы тратили время. Наши программисты и менеджеры потратили много времени и энергии, чтобы предоставить тебе отличный сервис в сети!

Отношение пользователей: 0

Исполнитель песни: skiilet

Название произведения: NGD

Длительность mp3 файла: 03:45

Датировано: 2015-01-11

Текст набрал просмотров: 678

Скачать файл в mp3
Другие произведения музыканта skiilet
Текст данной песни:

Death surrounds
My heartbeat's slowing down
I won't take this world's abuse
I won't give up or refuse

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken
This is how it feels when you're dignity's stolen
When everything you love is leaving
You hold on to what you believe in

The last thing I heard
Was you whispering goodbye
and then I heard you flatline

Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)

Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're Not Gonna Die tonight!

Break, their hold
'Cause I won't be controlled
They can't keep their chains on me
When the truth has set me free

This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you finally fight back
When life pushes me, I push harder
What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger

The last thing I heard
Was you whispering goodbye
and then I heard you flatline

Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)

Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're Not Gonna Die tonight!

Don't you give up on me
You're everything I need

This is how it feels when you take your life back
This is how it feels when you. fight. back!


Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna stand and fight forever!
(don't close your eyes)

Not Gonna Die tonight!
We're gonna fight for us together!
No we're Not Gonna Die tonight!

John (Jen):
No we're Not Gonna Die tonight!
Not Gonna Die! (Not Gonna Die)!
Not Gonna Die! (Not Gonna Die)!
Not Gonna Die tonight!

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