You'll Be Mine Sandra

Нужно sandra you ll be mine mp3 ? Отлично, так как это именно то, зачем мы тратили время. Наши программисты и менеджеры потратили много времени и энергии, чтобы предоставить тебе отличный сервис в сети!

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Исполнитель песни: Sandra

Название произведения: You'll Be Mine

Длительность mp3 файла: 04:21

Датировано: 2014-12-26

Текст набрал просмотров: 543

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Другие произведения музыканта Sandra
Текст данной песни:

I've never been lying
You've never been trying

To my jealousy
You're leaving me every night
If you would change your mind
Just for me

You'll be mine, you'll be mine, b't empty time
Seams to burn us up forever
We had that night and day
Looks so fine in my mind, we will find
Just the calm where we can hide
I won't delay a promise i made
Hear the pounding of my heart
Lying in the dark
You'll be mine, you'll be mine, take my time
I won't give up

I wanna be lonesome
I don't wanna rely on

Oh my jealousy
It's gonna be for my life
And if we have no doubt
We can see

You'll be mine, you'll be mine, b't empty time
Seams to burn us up forever
We had that night and day
Looks so fine in my mind, we will find
Just the calm where we can hide
I won't delay a promise i made
Hear the pounding of my heart
Lying in the dark
You'll be mine, you'll be mine, take my time
I won't give up

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